Saturday, January 23, 2016

Causes of Collapse

     The West is in decline.  There are probably many causes and they're probably somewhat complex. But I think you can point to some things and say, "That! That right there is part of the problem!"

     The legal system is one of those things.

     Once at a party a cop explained to me that if he gets called to a scene for a fist fight he arrests everybody involved. Even if 100 witnesses say that 1 person attacked another with no provocation, he doesn't care. "Arrest them both and let the D.A. and judge sort it out." were his exact words.

     I have a fear that this is pretty much the modus operandi for most police. How terrifying would that be? Imagine it; some drunk thinks that getting in a fight is the perfect end to an evening after striking out with the ladies. And despite doing everything in your power to avoid a fight, even after taking a few punches without retaliation, you may still end up standing before a judge simply for defending yourself.

     And seriously, where do people in government get off ?!?!? Of course the police have the authority to arrest an aggressor, but arresting someone defending their self is just another example of government overstepping its rightful boundaries. Honestly, I don't even think that the cops should interject in a situation if it simply involved a fistfight, unless someone involved wants to press charges.

     I think violence should be legalized. If two people want to beat the piss out of each other, fine. Go ahead. As long as they are consenting adults, then its nobody's business, not even the governments. I think that the prohibition on violence where all parties' consent is destroying this country.

     Prohibition on violence creates a moral hazard for douche bag behavior. People are incentivised to be mouthy wankers. And every man knows there comes a point where said wanker says too much, has crossed the line and needs his guts stomped out. At which point a challenge could be made and both men step outside to handle the issue like men.

     Women don't understand this. Many women are of the opinion that fighting is almost never justified. They constantly try to calm their men down and keep the from fighting. In fact I think that the prohibition on violence probably started with women. Women who thought that they should treat adults as though they were their children. But honestly if the prohibition on violence were lifted, fewer women would try to dissuade their men from violence.

     Certain weak men like to hide behind these laws. They know that they can say anything, and they will never be held accountable.

     Under my ideal legal system, you wouldn't even need the consent of the other person if they said certain things. For instance, if a man calls your wife a whore, he's consenting to have the crap kicked out of him. Maybe your wife is a whore, maybe she's not, but its none of his business.

     I'm not just for bringing back fist fights. I think we need to bring back the duel. Not only should adults have the beat the crap out of each other, they should also be allowed to kill each other so long as both parties consent.

This country would be much better off had someone killed Hamilton earlier.

     Under no circumstances should you be able to just go up and kill someone. But it would be nice if we had a system like what used to exist. If someone gives an offense so extreme that it would justify killing the bastard, a challenge could be made. If accepted, the participants would have to agree on terms. They would have to agree on time, date, location and weapons to be used. Because we're talking about killing someone, contracts would probably be neccissary so that grieving family members couldn't claim that this was an act of murder. These would need to be notarized and maybe filed with the city or county. The participants would also have to agree on an arbitrary third party to officiate & hold each party to the terms. Also each participant would need to bring witnesses.

     Some people will say that this is barbaric. I think just the opposite. I think civilization is only possible when people are held accountable for their actions.

    Til next time, gentlemen.

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